ಆನೆಗಾರ್ ಇರುವೆಗಾರ್ ಕಾಗೆಗಾರ್ ಕಪ್ಪೆಗಾರ್ |
ಕಾಣಿಸುವರನ್ನವನು? ಹಸಿವವರ ಗುರುವು ||
ಮಾನವನುಮಂತುದರಶಿಷ್ಯನವನಾ ರಸನೆ |
ನಾನಾವಯವಗಳಲಿ - ಮಂಕುತಿಮ್ಮ ||

(ಕಾಣಿಸುವರನ್ನವನು = ಕಾಣಿಸುವರು+ಅನ್ನವನು; ಹಸಿವವರ = ಹಸಿವು + ಅವರ; ಮಾನವನುಮಂತುದರಶಿಷ್ಯನವನಾ=ಮಾನವನುಂ+ಅಂತು+ಉದರ+ಶಿಷ್ಯನ್+ಅವನ+ಆ; ನಾನಾವಯವಗಳಲಿ=ನಾನಾ+ಅವಯವಗಳಲಿ)

aanegaar iruvegaar kaagegaar kappegaar| 
kaaNisuvarannavanu? hasivavara guruvu||
manavanumantudarashiShyanavanaa rasane|
naanaavayavagaLali - mankutimma||

Who to the elephant, ant, crow and frog
Teaches to find food? Hunger is their teacher.
Though man too is a disciple of stomach, his tastes
Linger and hanker all over - Mankutimma.

Translator's Note: When the poet talks of man's tongue being in various organs, he makes a subtle reference to human craving, never consistent, never bounded. The use of subtle imagery is worth admiration.

1 comment:

  1. To an elephant, an ant, a crow, or even to a frog,
    Who directs them towards their food? Hunger is their master.
    Man too is a slave (follower?) of hunger, and his taste
    Spreading in numerous dimensions. – MT.

    PS: just a different try :)
